Hello. I know, I don't post anymore. Well, God has blessed and we have been very busy here in Kenora. Victory Baptist Church now has a building! God opened the doors for us to purchase a 5 acre piece of property with a building already on it. The best part was that it was already zoned correctly!
Anyhow, between homeschooling, church renovations, and getting ready for Christmas, I just haven't found much time for blogging. I would like to get back to regular posting, but I just can't keep up with two blogs, so I'm not going to be posting here anymore. I have another blog, "Love... In A Loveless World." I will be posting over there. It would make me very happy if you would continue to follow me at my other blog. I also post an update on the ministry at Victory Baptist Church once a month at the KJV Blog Directory.
I will keep this blog open, however. And how knows? Maybe, I'll learn to be more organized and life will slow down a little!? Okay, so, maybe that's asking a little too much! Thanks for following us.
Friday, December 10, 2010
To all our readers....
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
We're still here...
Sorry, we haven't had much time to spend with you in the blogosphere. I have a few minutes between laundry, children, and supper preparations to bring you up-to-date.
Jerry is now cast free and his arm is healing straight. He still has to be careful for the next four weeks, because it isn't healed completely. Tell me, how do you keep an active five-and-a-half-year-old 100% boy from climbing, swinging, or jumping seven feet off the deck until his arm is completely healed? It helps that we've started homeschooling him yesterday. That at least takes care of part of the day, however, you can't home-school 24 hours a day!
We still haven't heard any news about the property the church put a bid on. It's just not the right time yet. We are still praying diligently for the property. The problem right now is that the Realtor still doesn't have all the facts from the survey. Please, continue to make it a matter of prayer. The things God could do with that property is exciting! We will let you all know as soon as we hear one way or the other. In the meanwhile, you can take a look at it here.
Our last paperwork has been sent in to the Canada Revenue Agency and we are waiting to hear their verdict on the our residential status while on deputation. Please pray with us for the sake of all Independent Baptist missionaries from Canada. The CRA is challenging the fact that our church is independent and not a part of a national denominational office. Please, please, pray that the CRA will recognize that we were indeed factual residents while on deputation in the USA. If they do not, we will appeal, but they could begin to attack other IFB missionaries from Canada resulting in a great financial loss, possibly forcing some of them home from the field. If you are in Canada, write your local Member of Parliament and express the fact that we still have "freedom of religion" in Canada and Independent Baptist is indeed an established denomination across Canada and the World. Silence from God's people has already cost us so many freedoms in Canada. Let's not allow it to happen again. Basically, this means that we would have had no right to claim the benefits that come from filing taxes in Canada. Since, we have already received and used these tax benefits, the CRA is asking us to repay the amounts received while out of the country. For more information read "Canadian Residents Abroad" especially page 5 under the heading of missionaries.
We covet your every prayer and can testify of God's amazing provision since loosing half of our monthly income. God has provided Keith with a temporary job doing lawn care for the elderly which will last as long as the snow stays away. We've heard it often comes as early as mid-October in this part of the world. If this hasn't been solved before then, we trust that God has another plan. God bless you all as you serve Him each day.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Jerry's Arm and Other Things...

Sunday, August 22, 2010
Jerry's Arm

Thursday, August 19, 2010
It's finally happened....
Yesterday, all three of our children lost their privilege of playing outside when they sneaked under the fence and went to the neighbor's. Well, as we were all getting ready for church, Jerry sneaked off again, this time to his swing set in the back yard.
Now, I've been telling him for a long time that one of these days he's gonna get hurt when he chooses to disobey the rules. Of course, Jerry thinks he's invincible because God has protected him this far. As five-and-a-half-year-old boys do, he chose to learn the hard way.
I was down-stairs doing my make-up when I heard Keith calling me in one of those "someone-got-hurt-bad" voices. Of course, I was applying my blush at the time and ended up with a long heavily applied streak in a strange direction. I went upstairs to see what the fuss was about (after rubbing off the excess blush, of course.) Jerry was holding his arm and crying in a sincere manner. I guess, he was swinging high in the air when a bolt came loose and sent him crashing. (Don't worry, Daddy tightened all the bolts today before anyone else was allowed to play.)
After he calmed down and we saw he could still move his arm; we decided to wait until after church and see if he was still favoring it. By the time we got to church, Jerry was getting adamant about the fact that he "really did" hurt his arm. So, I borrowed Nancy's car and took him to emergency room at the local hospital.
After five hours we were finally ushered back to an examining room. Two hours later Jerry was sporting a half-cast wrapped in a tensor bandage. He has fractured his right arm (can't tell you the name of the bone). He has to wear a half cast until next Friday when they will ex-ray his arm again and probably give him a full cast.
We finally got to bed somewhere between 2 and 2:30 this morning. Between a lack of sleep and the fact that he's right-handed and "can't do anything fun", Jerry was miserable all day. I'd like to believe that he's going to learn that obedience IS the very best way, but who am I kidding? He's a five-and-a-half-year-old boy and has already tried climbing on the piano "because he didn't have anything else fun to do." That's my boy!
Monday, August 16, 2010
It's not their fault!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Reply to comment on "Local Church Bible Publishers"
This morning we received the following comment on a post we published in January titled Local Church Bible Publishers.

Also, you must realize that often the more "modern" term does not convey the whole meaning of a word. Not one of my children were born speaking the English language, they learned it. And they are also learning "the King's" English.
Another aspect that you have overlooked is the fact that God's Word is spiritually discerned. One may, without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, be able to understand some intellectual concepts of Scripture, but never the Truths of Scripture.
Unsaved man needs only to understand one thing... "Ye must be born again." And only the Holy Spirit can help them to understand that.
The English language has not changed sufficiently to warrant a new version. If the day comes that it has changed so much so that the Truths of God's Word are no longer available to the common man, then God will raise up more men to translate it. Until then, we must educate our children in the use of a dictionary that surprisingly enough still lists those supposed archaic words.
Thank you for giving me a chance to explain myself more clearly. I do have one more thing to suggest:
Study the modern English versions prayerfully and let me know if you find ONE that agrees 100% with the AV and has not changed God's doctrines in some way. I would rather have my children use a dictionary to find out that "broided" means braided than to have them taught a false doctrine. May God bless your search for the Truth.