Friday, November 6, 2009

An inside look at deputation.

Today, we drove from Grand Junction to Colorado Springs. We had a very eventful day. Josie has a stomach virus and used up all the clothes we had packed in the travel bag. So, tonight, Daddy had to unload the van to get the girl's suitcase out. Because of the extra rest stops, we hit rush hour in Denver. We did get to the hotel only to find out that the operater gave us the wrong address. After finally getting to the right location, Keith went to check us in. To top off the day, Keith found out that the desk clerk at last night's hotel kept his driver's license. He phoned him and it was still laying in the photo copier. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day with a clean slate. Well, except for a trip to the laundromat to wash Josie's clothes and car seat cover, and a good airing out of the van. God is good and I'm just glad that He saw fit to squeeze all of these things into one day. It could have been worse, Keith could have been pulled over by one of the myriad of police officers on the road today.

To offset the stops and smells, God blessed us with a truly awesome display of His handiwork today! Here are some pics we took of the Colorado Rockies. Enjoy! God bless. Keep on a prayin'!


Deborah said...

Beautiful photos! I hope things are going better for you.