Monday, November 16, 2009

Our Baby's two-years-old now!

Kaylee turned two yesterday! Our baby's getting big. This morning she surprised me with an almost dry diaper and a request to go potty -- which she did!! Lord willing, we will conquer the potty by the end of the year. After almost five years, I'm sooo ready to say goodbye to diapers!

Today, we had our last scheduled meeting in the West. It was encouraging to meet people who loved God and His Word. The thing that encouraged me the most was their time of praise. Pastor King didn't need to drag a testimony out of anyone and they just kept on coming! This was not a large church by many standards, but they had more Spirit than many of the larger churches we've been to. God blessed us through their generosity and fellowship.

Take heart! God still has some good men! Men who are willing to take an ever increasingly unpopular stand on the inerrancy of the King James Bible. Men who still believe that God is Supreme and will keep His promise to preserve His Word. Men who are "simple" enough to read the Bible and believe it for what it says and NOT what some educated man said. May God bless these servants!

Tomorrow, we head out for De Soto, MO and a few weeks of unwinding, re-grouping, and for Keith lots of phone calling! If you can recommend any Bible-believing Baptist Churches in North America, please email us at We would appreciate your help in finding good IFB churches.

Have a great week everyone. God bless. Keep on a prayin'!